Day: December 20, 2023

Weekly Digest

Global Matters Weekly – Siren Call

I recently returned from a client trip to Asia, during which I visited Hong Kong for the first time. The ‘Fragrant Harbour’, to coin its literal name. From my short time there I found it to be a fascinating and vibrant melting pot of ‘East meets West’, with a can-do


Viewpoint – August 2023

Equity markets struggled for direction in August, falling sharply initially before a partial recovery reduced the losses in the MSCI World index to -2.4%. Bond markets continued the pattern since the mini banking crisis in March with another negative month, the JPM


Insight – Harmony Portfolios & Momentum Global Funds Factsheets

The spectre of a banking crisis returned to haunt markets in March, with the collapse of two mid-sized banks in the US, as well as the fall of the much bigger Credit Suisse into the hands of its rival UBS, a transaction orchestrated by Swiss regulators. While there was no