Year: 2024

Weekly Digest

Global Matters Weekly – It’s the little things that count

Global developed equities ended the first quarter strongly with both the US and Japan equity indices reaching all-time highs1. However, these gains were largely skewed towards the larger cap stocks. This is even more prominent in the case of the US market where a handful of mega cap stocks, namely


Viewpoint – March 2024

Three critical connected factors drove markets in Q1: economic activity across the developed world surprised on the upside; inflation proved to be more persistent; and labour markets remained tight. The probability of recession has fallen, that of a soft landing increased. As a result, market expectations for cuts in policy

Weekly Digest

Global Matters Weekly – Weathering storms and building trust

In recent years, the UK investment trust sector has found itself navigating through challenging times. Changes in regulations and the overall economic environment have made things tough. But despite these challenges, it’s important to remember why investment trusts are valuable, especially in terms of diversification and accessing long-term investment opportunities


Viewpoint – February 2024

Equity markets continued to surprise on the upside with a gain in February of 4.2% in developed markets (MSCI World index) and 4.8% in emerging markets (MSCI Emerging Markets index). MSCI World has returned 11% so far this year, 23% since the current surge in markets started in late October


Viewpoint – January 2024

Markets began to consolidate in January and returns ended the month in a more mixed fashion, compared to the ‘(almost) everything rally’ seen in Q4 2023. Global developed and US equities both continued their momentum to reach all-time highs, returning 1.2% and 1.7% respectively. Equity markets in Asia continued to


Viewpoint – November 2023

Following a bruising 3 months, equity and bond markets came back with a bang in November, in most cases recovering all the ground lost since July, in an almost unbroken run of gains through the month. The extraordinary shift in risk appetite saw global developed world equities return 9.4% in