Weekly Digest

Weekly Digest

Global Matters Weekly – Will buybacks continue to bolster equity markets?

Share repurchasing, commonly known as buybacks, entails a company repurchasing its own shares from the market, subsequently retiring, or holding them as treasury stock. This strategy diminishes the number of outstanding shares, thereby augmenting earnings per share (EPS) and the company's stock price, given constant or growing earnings. The efficacy

Weekly Digest

Global Matters Weekly – It’s the little things that count

Global developed equities ended the first quarter strongly with both the US and Japan equity indices reaching all-time highs1. However, these gains were largely skewed towards the larger cap stocks. This is even more prominent in the case of the US market where a handful of mega cap stocks, namely

Weekly Digest

Global Matters Weekly – Weathering storms and building trust

In recent years, the UK investment trust sector has found itself navigating through challenging times. Changes in regulations and the overall economic environment have made things tough. But despite these challenges, it’s important to remember why investment trusts are valuable, especially in terms of diversification and accessing long-term investment opportunities

Weekly Digest

Global Matters Weekly – Siren Call

I recently returned from a client trip to Asia, during which I visited Hong Kong for the first time. The ‘Fragrant Harbour’, to coin its literal name. From my short time there I found it to be a fascinating and vibrant melting pot of ‘East meets West’, with a can-do